Friday, May 20, 2011

V for Vendetta

"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot."  This famous quote was ground into the brains of children who lived in England so that they would never forget this tradgeic day. On November 5th, 1605 a man named Guy Fawkes had a secret plan to blow up the king and members of Parliament in retaliation for the increasing repression of Roman Catholics in England (to ultimately overthrow the king). This day is remember by it's ever lasting poem. "Remember, remember, the Fifth of November....".

In the movie, V For Vendetta, the character V, is a terrorist and in vengeance of the wrong the government has done to him and countless others, takes over and has a plan to reenact what occured in 1605. This terrorist is disguised and wears a mask and a wig. He is known only as V no name.

The character V has an intresting name because he was tormented in a room with the roman numeral of V which is 5. There are many V symbols along with 5 symbols. Mostly everytime there was a group of people it was a group of 5. There was 5 children on a statue. V played Beethoven's 5th Symphony when he started being a terrorist of the city. The name of the lead woman character was Evey, which has a V in it as well. V makes many markings of his vandalism by having a circle with a V going through its center. In the fireworks set off there is this symbol as well. Towards the end of the movie V makes a domino set up fall in the shape of this symbol again. One other symbol is the red used in many of these things throughout the movie, this is the color of fascism usually (in the movie the goverment is fascist). All of the Vs are red and so is the roses he leaves with people. I believe that the music played in this film is a symbol also. When Evey wakes up in V's home she wakes up to the song Cry Me a River and later when she returns to V's house she goes to the jukebox and puts that song on again. V when talking to the public he uses many v-words to get his point across to the public.

I think the first thing Evey says to V is a forshadowing of what is going to happen. She says to V, "Are you like a crazy person?" This is ironic to me because V is kind of a crazy person, because of the torturing he has endured in the experimental facility. He becomes this revengeful terrorist (getting back at the government for what they have done to him and so many others).

When V is talking to the public and says, "If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror", because they let the government get this bad and this extreme (fascist). Another quote that deals with this same issue that V is talking about, it is when V says, "The people shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of their people" to the public. This statement and belief is opposite of the government that this country has at the time, it is fascist where, the people have no choice or say in anything and their government controls everything. 

About the middle of this movie V tells someone something that I agree with completely, it is so true and I think people would agree with me. So I will leave you with this quote from V, "A story can be true of false, I'll leave that up to you."

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