"These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so dependent on them. That's institutionalized." The movie Shawshank Redemption deals with criminals in a prison (all men). It shows how people can become completely instituitionalized after a certain amount of years of being in prison. They live in fear after being set free from prison, because they do not know the outside world; prison has become their home, so to speak, and they have developed a group of people they consider to be their friends and people they trust.
The rocks that Andrew, the main character, collects, studies, etc. are a symbol throughout the movie. When Andrew and others that are imprisoned are brought into prison, they are used to being free and doing as they please (within reason, obviously). When they begin realizing how much this has changed and that they have no freedom, they become shaped by how they are treated (the cruel guards and rules that come with being a prisoner). They have been criminals, and some find that they feel remorse for what crime(s) they have committed and feel that they are ready to be with society once again, without committing criminal acts. This could be how these prisoners are polished, just like Andrew does with the rocks he polishes. I believe that the rock blanket they find in Andrew's cell, which he says is used for shaping and polishing rocks, is a symbol of the prison; prisoners are shaped and sometimes polished by imprisonment. Another symbol I noticed in this movie was the bird that Brooks (the librarian) raises before he leaves prison. When the bird is old enough to be on its own (and Brooks is leaving), Brooks lets the bird fly out of the prison window (with metal bars). Later in the movie Red says, "I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright." Birds have to be let free sometimes because of this very reason, just like Andrew and just like Brooks' bird.
The most intresting thing to me throughout the movie is that the warden is a strong Christian, yet he does horrible things (makes guards follow through with his orders) to these prisoners. The most ironic thing to me is that they find (at the end) that Andrew's Bible has been ripped into the shape of his rock utensil, so that he was able to hide it when his cell was being checked. When the warden hands Andrew his Bible back, he says, "Salvation lies within." This is the very quote Andrew writes in the Bible's front page, and he sends it to the warden after his fiasco is over.
I thought the movie was very good. I would recommend this movie to other people; it is worth your time and money. It is not too long and is keeps your attention the whole movie. The only negative thing may be that some of the scenes are a little difficult to watch because of the brutality. If you are looking for a family movie, this wouldn't be the choice; it has quite a few swear words and sexual references, along with the brutality. I would have to rate this movie a 9 out of 10. I really got something out of watching this movie. So now, I will leave you with this quote, " Get busy living, or get busy dying."